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beyond global Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the personal information protection policy as described below. Which establishes a mechanism for personal information protection and addresses the importance of protecting personal information for all employees. By doing so, we declare that we promote the protection of personal information of the user.
Personal information that has been obtained is only done after clarifying the purpose of use. Personal information that has been gathered that has been gathered from training management, organizational personnel consulting, responses to inquiries, guidance on our services etc. will be used as part of our recruitment selection.
We endeavor to keep personal information provided by us to be accurate and up to date and will only be used for the activities as mentioned above. Necessary and appropriate safety control measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, leakage etc. In addition, for security reasons, we will not return personal information you have provided us with. Personal information we will be kept in a safe and secured environment by the Company.
We may outsource the operation of information processing (database input etc.) of personal information and the operation work of training. When delegating personal information, we select outsourcers that have been subjected to adequate protection of personal information protection level. A confidentiality agreement will be agreed on and cosigned by both parties.
We will not provide personal information to third parties without your consent. There are exceptions and are as follows:
(1)When disclosure is required for pursuant for the provisions of laws and regulations
(2)When necessary to protect serious interests such as human life, health, property etc.
(3)When necessary to protect the public interest
We can adhere to requests of disclosure, correction and deletion of personal information provided to our company.For complaints concerning the mishandling of personal information, request for disclosure / correction / deletion, refusal of offer etc. please contact the Company by telephone or e-mail.
For inquiries about handling of personal information by company, please contact us at the following address:
beyond global Pte. Ltd.
Eiichi Morita (Personal information Protection Management)
#28-01, 8 Cross Street Manulife Tower, Singapore
beyond global Pte. Ltd.(以下「当社」)は、以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、全従業員に個人情報保護の重要性の認識と取組みを徹底させることにより、個人情報の保護を推進することを宣言いたします。
当社はご提供頂きました個人情報を上記利用目的の範囲内で正確・最新の内容に保つように努め、不正なアクセス、改竄、漏洩などを防ぐべく、必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じます。 また、ご提供頂きました個人情報は原則として返却致しません。お預かり致しました個人情報は特定の場所にて保管致します。
当社は、以下の場合を除き、個人情報をご本人様の同意なしで第三者へ提供致しません。 (1)法令の規定により開示が要求された場合 (2)人の生命、健康、財産、などの重大な利益を保護するために必要な場合 (3)公共の利益を保護するために必要な場合
当社に対してご提供頂いた個人情報は、開示・訂正・削除の請求をする事ができます。 個人情報の取り扱いに関する苦情及び開示・訂正・削除の請求、また提供拒否の申し出は、”個人情報相談窓口”まで、電話かメールにてご連絡下さい。
お問い合せ 当社の個人情報の取扱に関するお問い合せは下記までご連絡ください。
beyond global Pte. Ltd. 個人情報保護管理責任者 Managing Director 森田英一 #28-01, 8 Cross Street PWC Building, Singapore