お申し込みフォーム/ Application Form
13th November 2019, Public Training for Local Managers
~Essence of Management~
Transformation from a player to a REAL Manager
< 研修のご案内チラシPDF / Flyer >
<ご留意事項/Terms and Conditions>
First-come-first-served basis. We shall close the application once the expected number of participants have registered.
◆お食事のご希望(ハラル、ベジタリアン等) がございましたら、「お食事のご要望欄」にて5日前までにお知らせください。 ご希望に沿うよう、調整させていただきます。
Arrangement can be done in accordance to requests regarding halal or vegetarian servings. Please notify us at the comment box below 5 days in advance.
During the training, pictures may be taken and be posted on our website. We seek your kind understanding and cooperation with regards to this.
Should there be issues with this, please do notify us in advance. (※ Your company name and individual name will not be made public.)
・キャンセル分の研修料金は、beyond globalによって開催される他の研修に使用可能なクレジットとなります。(現金払戻は不可)
<Cancellation Clause>
◆In the case of cancellation 5 or more working days prior to training:
・Training fee will be converted to credits which can be used for other training sessions conducted by beyond global. (There will be no cash refund)
・If not used by the end of March 2020, all remaining credits will be forfeited.
◆In the case of cancellation less than 5 working days prior to training:
・Training fee will not be refunded and no credits will be given.
Please fill in your information in the form below after reading all the terms and conditions and please click [プライバシーポリシーに同意して送信] if you agree to the Privacy Policy.